human: adj.1.人的,人类的 (opp. divine, animal)。2.凡人皆有的,显示人类特点的。3.有人性的,通人情的。短语和例子human affairs 人事。 a human being [creature] 人。 the human race 人类。 To err is human. 〔谚语〕人皆有过。 human torpedo 人控鱼雷。n.〔口、谑〕人;
Ethical discussion and requirement about human experimentation 论人体实验及其规范
The law cited the prevention of cruelty and indifference to animals as one of the highest moral values of a people , animal experimentation was unthinkable , but human experimentations were acceptable 这个法表扬阻止虐待和区别动物作为一个人最高的道德价值,动物实验是不可想象的,但人的试验是可以接受。